Should any horse in your care experience a colic episode related to digestive dysfunction while on SUCCEED Veterinary Formula, according to the terms of the program, a Veterinary Colic Expense Payment Claim will need to be filed. The veterinarian of record or the horse’s owner will be required to submit the following for consideration:

1. Completed copy of the SUCCEED Veterinary Colic Expense Payment claim form.

2. Signed Affidavit from owner

3. Signed Affidavit from veterinarian

4. Copies of invoices and medical records:

  • All relevant veterinary invoices for medical care associated with that colic episode, including:
    • A copy of the surgeon’s report indicating the cause of colic, if applicable.
    • Copies of invoices/statements evidencing the surgical costs, related pre-surgery diagnostics costs, and post-surgery recovery costs for which payment is sought under this Program.
    • All invoices must explicitly indicate horse’s owner (or appropriate bill-to party), and name of horse, with details of diagnosis and treatment. Such invoices may include initial call-out and on-site treatment and any and all subsequent interventions, including invoices from referral clinic or hospital or surgical center.
  • If not included with the veterinary invoice(s), a detailed copy of the horse’s medical record, indicating the underlying cause as identified by the veterinarian. A written statement from the veterinarian of record may be included to provide additional details, if needed, to support the claim and the diagnosis.
  • Veterinary invoices for SUCCEED Veterinary Formula product, specifying horse’s owner and individual horse by name, showing the monthly supplies of SUCCEED VF purchased by the owner of the affected horse from the Veterinarian and verifying its proper and actual continual use in the dietary regimen of the affected horse for the minimum period of 90 days.
  • Invoices demonstrating that the quantities of SUCCEED VF consumed by the affected horse were purchased only from the veterinarian

Reimbursement Terms

Claim Form

A Veterinary Review Committee will review all claims. Freedom Health may follow up and request additional information to verify the claim and/or information.

Note that SUCCEED VF and the Healthy Gut Commitment program are available only to licensed, practicing veterinarians in the USA and to horses ordinarily residing in the USA.

All forms and documentation will be submitted by US Mail to the following address:

Freedom Health LLC
HGC Claims
65 Aurora Industrial Parkway
Aurora, OH 44202

For questions regarding claims procedures, documentation and/or eligibility, please call Freedom Health at 800-281-6727 M-F 9AM to 5PM ET.

Please Note:

Any veterinarian making claims for payment hereunder that exceed normal industry levels for the occurrence of colic (as reported in a USDA publication issued in October 2001 – PDF) will be required to provide Freedom Health’s veterinary staff with access to his/her records and will assist in making the affected horse or horses and trainers and/or owners involved available for consultation with Freedom Health.

Freedom Health reserves the right to make this Program inapplicable to any specific horse for any reason at any time prior to a claim being filed on that horse. Freedom Health reserves the right to make this Program inapplicable to any veterinarian. This Program may be discontinued at any time by Freedom Health.

For complete detailed terms of the Healthy Gut Commitment, download the Veterinary Colic Expense Payment Policy document in PDF form.

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