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White Papers

Explore our extensive library of free, downloadable white papers on equine digestive health for veterinary practitioners.

Gut and Reproductive health cover

Equine Gut and Reproductive Health

Equine reproductive management begins long before conception. This paper discusses the link between equine gut health and reproductive management. Learn how optimizing nutrition and immunity in breeding horses by supporting gastrointestinal health in stallions, mares and foals can improve chances of reproductive success.

The Gut and the Immune System: Partners in Equine Health

While the gut is filled with ingested food matter, it is also teeming with microbes that must be kept on the other side of that thin barrier. That’s the job of the immune system. In this article we look at how the microbes in the gut collaborate with the immune system to enhance nutritive uptake while protecting against infection.

Equine Gut Health and Surgery

What can be done to optimize the GI health of a horse requiring surgery? The more severe the surgery, the greater the impact on GI health and the more challenging the effort required to restore a healthy GI tract. We have compiled extensive research-based evidence to propose solutions you may find helpful for your practice.

The Gut-Hoof Connection

The horse’s hoof and its GI tract are both complex structures important to the animal’s overall wellbeing and performance. In both cases, disease or generally suboptimal health can result in catastrophic consequences. This paper explores the link between digestive health and hoof health, and how good nutrition leads to better performance.

Enteritis in Horses

As soon as veterinarians start looking beyond the stomach, the greater challenge begins. A wide range of poorly understood and difficult-to-diagnose intestinal pathologies exist with significant impacts on equine health and performance. This white paper explores the intricacies of diagnosing the specific etiologies contributing to enteritis in horses.

Risk and Reward

Significant developments in microbiome research have established that almost all non-genetic diseases originate in—or are affected by—the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and viruses that colonize the GI tract, collectively known as the microbiota, play a crucial role in both health and disease.

Rethinking Gastric Ulcer Diagnosis

Veterinary practitioners need a shift in perspective, recognizing that gastric ulceration represents only the tip of the iceberg of a much larger range of GI pathology afflicting performance horses. Explore current limitations in diagnostics and review new methods for more accurate diagnosis.

What’s Hot in Equine GI Research

For the health of your clients’ horses and that of your veterinary practice, it’s critical to stay abreast of the latest developments in equine digestive health research. This paper includes highlights from a detailed review of 11 recently published studies with key learnings from each and suggested implications for practice.

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Move your practice forward with two helpful tools to diagnose and manage GI pathologies in your clients’ horses.